Monday, October 26, 2009

2 Idiots in the Parking Lot

The MAN is lost, what else is new?

Ankur seems to be a very popular guy @ this Wedding Anniversary party we were at. It makes me feel I'm Guy Ritchie to him being Madonna. I let out my frustration by yelling on him in the parking lot.

2 Idiots Getting Married?

No way, not us!

We're at the 30th Anniversary Party of our friend Josie's parents, Nella & Mario Spitale. What a lovely evening of food, drinks, desserts, music - and celebration of love. Josie did an outstanding job of organizing everything.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spitale 30th Wedding Anniversary Party

Ankur and I attend Josie's parents 30th Wedding Anniversary Party.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Guyanese Wedding

Anil explains the fashions.